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Slow Down Spoilage this Sunny Season


With temperatures soaring at this time, food spoilage is one of our immediate concerns.

Ingesting contaminated food and drinks results to diarrhea or even food poisoning which may lead to dehydration. And dehydration is the very thing we need to avoid when the season is hot and dry.

So why do food spoilage easily occur during the warmer months? Most likely because of the following factors:

Improper food storage
This is the leading cause of food spoilage. Perishable food unrefrigerated for more than two hours is better headed to your compost pit than your stomach. Foods such as fish, meat, poultry and dairy products are especially prone to contamination in warmer weather.

Spoilage Bacteria.
These microscopic organisms multiply, sometimes rapidly, as long as nutrition and water are present. Bacterial growth rate is high in warm climate, resulting to the rotten appearance and foul smell in spoiled food.

To prevent food spoilage from spoiling your fun in the sun, here are some tips to keep your food safe and fresh:

· Wash your hands before handling food.

· Store food items separately and in tightly sealed containers to prolong their shelf life.

· Monitor food for sign of spoilage. If food is on its way to getting spoiled, remove it immediately to prevent its bacteria contaminating everything else inside the refrigerator.

· Avoid cross contamination by using separate utensils for raw and cooked foods.

· Thaw frozen food in a refrigerator or microwave oven before cooking, and not in the counter to avoid bacteria from rapidly contaminating your food.

· Fruits and vegetables should be washed before cooking to remove any dirt and soil residue that may contain bacteria.

· Keep cold food cold and reheat food after it has been kept in room temperature for a long time to destroy any bacterial growth.

· When doing grocery shopping, head to the frozen food section last. Pack raw and cooked foods separately.

· When eating outdoors, keep food covered and under the shade to prevent pests from diving into them.

· When faced with the dilemma of food spoilage, remember the wise words, “Remember, if in doubt, throw it out!”